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Myth Busting Blue Monday

medium skinned model with big bouncy hair smiling against a blue back drop

January 16th. Monday January the 16th. It’s meant to be the most depressing day of the year. Just reading that makes it feel like the most depressing day of the year. But don’t let the definition of the ‘bluest’ day of the year paint your day a shade of admiral. Plus, like most people, our blue days aren’t confined to Monday the 16th of January. It could be a random Wednesday in February or a Sunday in March. Our mental health ebbs and flows much like the weather in the UK. Which is why we’ve teamed up with Mental Health UK who understands that our mental health isn’t a linear concept but is as varied and complex as we are, and are on a mission to help everyone in the UK ‘live their best possible lives.’

But how to help ourselves when we feel these low moods? Sadly, there isn’t a one size fits all but it's more about finding ways that work for you, and most importantly, being kind to ourselves when we do have down days.

Most of us have suffered from low mood at some point in our lives, and have tried weird, wonderful, silly and stupid ways to help ourselves out of a blue hole. Although many are probably short-lived, one of the best ways to help ourselves can be by investing in ourselves. So, maybe these suggestions might work for you today, tomorrow, next week or whenever you have a bout of the blues.

1.Set an intention and carve out some ‘me’ time.

We all know that taking time away from our days is important, and we know we always say ‘yes, tonight I’m going to…’ but without a plan, there’s no action. Setting aside actual time and intending that time to be spent on yourself is incredibly important. Earmarking the start of ‘me time’ with a {room spray} is a perfect way to initiate a new ritual. It signifies that you’re about to invest some time to yourself (and also lets your family know not to disturb…) A cult favourite, and we’ve tried a load, is ilapothecary’s {Beat the Blues} room spray. Aptly named, it smells delicious and somehow manages to invoke a level of calmness before you’ve even done a thing. Sometimes just spraying a calming scent or even lighting a relaxing {candle} can have a big impact on our mindset.

2.Bath time is the best time

Another self care staple is taking a well-intended bath. And it really needn’t be hours long to reap the benefits. Simply incorporating some special bath soaks or salts can go a long way.. The gorgeous aromas emitted from them help to alleviate the mind and take you to somewhere far far away. Ilapothecarys  {Magnesium and Amethyst Deep Relax Bath Soak} smells divine, and the magnesium and mineral-rich salts work to relax muscles, ease nervous tension and promote deeper sleep. This bath time essential is also infused with amber which is thought to absorb negative energy, amethyst which is believed to help soothe and calm, and help heal the aura, benzoin oil which is a wonderfully reassuring oil for stressed minds, and cedarwood, which is often described as the sleepy oil as it stimulates the release of melatonin and deeply relaxes the body. And ahhhhh…

3.Using intentional skin care

If a bath isn’t your thing or spending too much time ‘in your head’ isn’t your cup of ‘blue’ fighting tea, intentional {skin care} might be. It’s the concept of treating skin with a positive mental health approach. Although it may sound slightly foo-foo, actually concentrating on small tasks one at a time, has been proven to help with stress. There are over 200 studies on the relationship between being mindful and present in the moment with reducing stress and anxiety. Using aromatherapy-infused skin care with a {skin tool} can be incredibly relaxing as well as forcing you to be more present. Using anything by de mamiel is perfect as their products are antioxidant-rich and are formulated with bespoke essential oil blends. Being able to concentrate on that one small repetitive movement, blocking out things that are running through our minds at lightening speed, and really being in the now (thank you, Eckhart Toole) is a great way of putting the brakes on our speeding train (read: mind). Using a {gua sha} is an ideal way of giving your hands something to do, while your mind works to only think about spreading that gorgeous serum across your face (and neck!). Plus, you’re aiding lymphatic drainage and toning those stress lines away…


And of course, when speaking about mental well-being we cannot not include exercise. Some of us might not be gym obsessive, wake up at the crack of dawn to fit in a workout type of women, however, the endorphins released when moving your body are unmatched. But, that doesn’t mean doing a hard round of cardio to get the same results. Slower-paced exercises work just as well. Yoga is a great alternative. It’s slow and steady, with gentle stretches that also engage your core. Plus a load of breathing exercises incorporated in the poses really aids in releasing the remnants of your day. And who doesn't love a lion's breath to really exorcise out your stress?

Hopefully, you’ve found some stress-relieving mood boosters that will help get you out of your funk, coz we all know Blue Monday is a myth created by a travel agency anyway!

However, if you do need extra support please reach out to Mental Health UK who offer help through their website, your GP, and speak to your friends and family about how you’re feeling.

Rina Teslica
Rina Teslica Writer and expert
Rina is Cult Beauty’s Junior SEO Copywriter and has always had a passion for beauty and skin care (rich moisturisers are her obsession). What started as a love for The Body Shop and their famed Born Lippy lip balms (in ‘Watermelon’ of course!), she is now more interested in finding products with proven effectiveness instead of broken promises. A loud and proud VIEVE fan, Rina owns nearly every item of the range and recommends the brand to anyone who will listen... When she’s not intently reading ingredient lists, you can find her either immersed in multiple true crime podcasts or co-hosting her own parenting one, with an *extra* hot cappuccino in hand.

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