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Elle Macpherson shares the tips for feeling fabulous at 50

Want to know how one of the world’s most iconic supermodels keeps her svelte physique? Aside from great genes and a fitness regime, Elle Macpherson trusts {WelleCo’s} incredible, bio-live greens to enhance her wellbeing and help keep *that* iconic body in balance. Now available at Cult Beauty, Elle’s edit of glow-giving ‘elixirs’ will increase your energy, help you sleep better and get your skin glowing… we’ll drink (a green smoothie) to that!

Co-founded and endorsed by Elle herself, along with her business parters - health and nutritional expert Dr. Simone Laubscher and brand and media mogul Andrea Horwood - {WelleCo's} on a mission to promote good health and bring our bodies into balance by enhancing alkalinity. We asked Elle to share her secrets, clarify a few things for us and reveal the health and beauty tips she swears by...

{Cult Beauty} WelleCo is famed for its first formula – {THE SUPER ELIXIR} – which is described as an ‘Alkalising Protein’. Why is it better for your system to be ‘alkaline’, and which simple steps can we take to keep our bodies in this state?

{Elle Macpherson} I have learned that by reducing acid-forming foods and replacing them with bio-live nutrients and raw fruits and vegetables, the body can thrive in a healthy and balanced state that allows the digestive system and liver to rest and recuperate. Alkalising your body is not about giving up the foods you love or trying to live on nothing. It’s simply about balancing harsher foods with more plants that can help filter out the acids.

{THE SUPER ELIXIR} bio-live greens is formulated with 45 premium wholefood ingredients that are carefully selected to work together to ensure maximum absorption. When you are nourished and maintain a healthy pH balance, there is less acidity in the body that can lead to inflammation, low energy, weight gain and accelerated ageing of the cells. My daily dose has honestly transformed the way I feel, and made me realise what a profound impact good nutrition can have on joie de vivre, and how this is reflected on the outside.

When it comes to alkalising, I have some simple way to help maintain a pH in the alkaline range (above 7)...

- Drink two litres of water per day.

- Take two teaspoons of {THE SUPER ELIXIR} bio-live greens daily to boost overall nutrition and maintain your body’s healthy alkaline range.

- Eat more plants from the colour of the rainbow.

- Reduce dairy (replace cow’s milk with almond or rice milk and if you can’t live without it, opt for goat or sheep milk varieties).

- Reduce coffee to one per day (or none!).

- Choose gluten-free bread and pasta or wholemeal pasta, and grains such as quinoa and brown rice (I don't eat wheat and prefer quinoa or seeds).

- Reduce sugar and remove artificial sweeteners (dark chocolate is okay though...).

- Include a de-stress activity into your day (like meditation, walking, yoga, or swimming).

- Breathe - practice conscious breathing.

- Slow down every moment, whether it is eating, drinking or texting.

- Practice appreciation and grateful thoughts. I make an appreciation list most evenings. I find it keeps me in a loving state of mind with fewer toxic thoughts.

{CB} You refer to ’11 body systems’ – are you able to talk us through what these are, and the best ways you’ve found to help keep things in sync?

{EM} When Dr. Simone Laubscher PhD was formulating THE SUPER ELIXIR, she looked at the average imbalances of an adult, and thought about what specific ingredients she could include to support and balance all 11 systems. Some of the key ingredients are horsetail and omega 3 for hair, skin and nails, probiotics and prebiotics to support the entire digestive system, and shitake and maitake mushrooms that when combined, are great for enhancing immunity. Her considered approach has made {THE SUPER ELIXIR} bio-live greens the ultimate multivitamin.

{CB} Being hailed as ‘The Body’ must come with its own set of pressures. How do you stay strong and healthy? Do you stick to a strict diet, or follow a workout regime?

{EM} When I was younger I could rely on genes. Today I need to make a conscious effort and aim for balance everyday. I eat a predominantly plant-based diet, exercise for 45 minutes, sleep for seven hours every night, and take my daily dose of {THE SUPER ELIXIR} religiously. Both my business partner Andrea Horwood and myself believe the future of beauty lies in ingestibles. Taking a supplement that nourishes the body on the inside will also show on the outside. It is the reason we founded {WelleCo}.

{CB} For those who’re phobic about exercise – or who struggle to muster the requisite get-up-and-go – which tips or strategies do you employ to make working out seem like less of a chore?

{EM} I used to follow a strict routine of high-intensity training, but now I listen to my body and mix-it-up. When I wake, I feel what my body really needs. It might be a swim in the ocean, walk along the beach, yoga with friends, a bike ride, or a boxing class. Variety keeps workouts fun and helps with motivation.

{CB} It’s a time when so many of us are making (and breaking) our resolutions. Do you have any small or simple changes we can all adopt to make our 2018 better?

{EM} Oh I have a few! 'Leap and watch the net appear' and 'don’t sweat the small stuff'are two I am always mindful of. When I feel overwhelmed, I remind myself 'one day at a time'. I try and remember that what bothers me today most likely won’t next month, or next year. Sometimes it’s about contextualising all the minor irritations and remembering their insignificance in the grand scheme of things.

{CB} As a model, mum and entrepreneur, you must feel like you’re constantly juggling. How do you find ‘me time’, and what do you do to switch off?

{EM} First I pay attention to those I love, then eat healthy and nutritious foods, and stay active whenever I can. I then turn to work commitments. Making sure my family is well and I am strong and balanced helps me be more focused and efficient in business. Starting and ending the day calm works for me and helps to organise my mind and time. There is no set formula - it’s all about balance and what works best for you.

{CB} What’s your favourite way to start the day? Do you have a ‘perfect morning’ formula?

{EM} I wake at 5.00am and lie in bed for about ten minutes before getting ready for my morning routine. I set my intentions for the day and try to understand how I am feeling in both body and mind. I put my hands on my chest, feel my breathing and think about what I want to accomplish today. Sometimes it might be a tangible thing like running through my to-do list, or something self-nurturing like meditation. I know it makes me feel great so I stick to it.

{CB} When it comes to {WelleCo}, do you have a favourite ‘recipe’? What’s the easiest way to incorporate the supplements into your daily ritual?

{EM} I love a green smoothie packed with organic vegetables and two teaspoons of THE SUPER ELIXIR bio-live greens. It’s my perfect breakfast because it is satisfying, tastes great and properly sets me up for the day.

Combine two teaspoons of {THE SUPER ELIXIR} with one cup of filtered water, half a cucumber, four celery stalks, half a cup of fresh spinach, half a cup of kale, a teaspoonful of grated ginger and four ice cubes. Blend in a high-powered blender until smooth - it instantly gives you a 'zing'

{CB} For those who’re new to {WelleCo}, what can they expect and how long should it take to notice a difference?

{EM} 30 days is often all it takes to see and feel the alkaline difference. This month, we launched the #SUPERELIXIRCHALLENGE. We are encouraging everyone to swap their synthetic vitamins and take THE SUPER ELIXIR bio-live greens every morning, on an empty stomach, for 30 days and see and feel the difference.

{CB} And finally, what’s your favourite skin care tip. Do you have a pearl of wisdom to impart?

{EM} I’m a big believer in good gut health. I make sure to nourish my body with clean nutrients for inner wellness that shows on the outside. I try to live by this everyday, then throw in plenty of love and laughter into the mix. I drink lots of water, eat a predominantly plant-based diet and take two teaspoons of {THE SUPER ELIXIR} in filtered water every morning. I love starting my day this way. It has helped me feel nourished from the inside-out - my energy levels, sleep patterns and as a result, my skin benefits. It works for me!

Love, Elle x


Verity Douglas
Verity Douglas Writer and expert
Cult Beauty’s Content Editor and a Cult Beauty OG, Verity loves nothing more than the marriage of language and lip balm. A quintessential Libran, she’s a self-professed magpie for luxury ‘must-haves' and always pursuing the new and the niche — from the boujee-est skin care to cutting-edge tech. Balancing an urge to stop the clock with her desire to embrace the ageing process (and set a positive example for her daughter), Verity's a retinol obsessive and will gladly share her thoughts about the time-defying gadgets, masks and treatments worth the splurge...

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