Refunds & Returns


Something not quite right? Sorry about that! Follow the simple steps below to return items from your haul.
There are plenty of other beauty heroes to discover, so we hope to see you again soon!

  • 1. Register Your Return

    Click here to start your return with our return partner, ZigZag.

    You will be subjected to ZigZag’s T&C’s and Privacy Policy.


  • 2. Post Your Return

    Proceed through the portal and you’ll be given the option to choose a carrier to fulfil your return.

  • 3. We'll Do The Rest

    Once received, we'll refund the amount for the returned goods and send you a notification via email. This can take 3-5 working days from the date we receive the return.

*Please note that in order for a return to be eligible, it must be in pristine condition and raised within 30 days of receipt. If you need further support with your return, you can speak to our customer service team by clicking here

You can read our extended Return Policy below for full Terms & Conditions